Monday, January 29, 2018

Blog Assignment 2 "Dreams"

What is the nature of dreams?
Do you believe in coincidence?
How is memory like a dream?

Dreams are freakishly personal, like a kaleidoscope for your third eye. Mine are vivid, full of color, sound, music, dialogue, and feeling. They remain my memory for years. It's bizarre how I can remember dreams I had as a 6 year old on to 27 years old but I can not remember things that actually happened to me a week ago or whole movies I saw within the last 48 hours. That probably is some neurological damage speaking loud and clear. Either way...I sort of like it like that. My dreams are much more interesting. Not practical at all, but interesting.
I used to keep a dream journal from 6th grade on to 8th. My devil-mother threw it out when I moved to go college. Either way I had a rave with Batman and Robin inside a pyramid, I parked a cartoon shuttle into my regular-sized garage, I found clues with a creepy gnome man inside a swamp-theater, and I raced trains across the sky by simply willing myself forward. My dreams are vivid. The older they get, and they take on a fuzzy quality now. The closest I can relate to how they "look" is old VHS film that was not properly stored over the years. My nightmares are truly terrifying, and I admittedly am afraid of the dark because of them. At some darker points in my life, I hated sleep because of the waking night--terrors. I ride slow canoes over foreign Styx rivers where small people are bound with wire in twisted up positions and moan out to me, but can not reach, they just stare out, a mass of limbs and frightened eyes. In some of my scariest dreams I was told I had to find the un-findeable or else I would die (usually pieces of Lego's, usually 5 or 7, hidden anywhere in the world), and I felt like I was floating, a bit bloated and unreal, and I would wake up in a panic. It was the darkest, most neurotic reaches of my mind turned inside out. 
What I noticed when I compared my dreams to things that did happen, things to come, and my own feelings, is dreams were a decoupage of all of the latter. They were a mental tapestry of my mind's interpretation of the past, present, and future. With a bad ass soundtrack every now and then. 
I get to see people that have been dead at times in my dreams. It is bittersweet, frustrating, and haunting when i wake up. I miss them and I don't. 

I do believe in fate because the mathematics and schematics of life add up too well to be coincidence, but I can create a coincidence if need be. Fate isn't so easily created. Fate is extremely complex in so much that a person can live every moment of their life in decisions and meet with a person years later who has made very similar and equally timed decisions in their life as if in parallel to the other person. They were meant to meet, obviously, because they met! But the challenges, options, and "coincidences" leading up to them meeting were two completely separate planes of reality, unaware of the others' existence. It's absolutely beautiful. 

My memory is a bit tortured because of the brain damage I've suffered, so my dreams are starker than my memories. As I've explained above, I remember my dreams much easier, and even when I had them as opposed to my actual life that i live out. It might be the emotional impact each dream has because of how vivid, brutal, or amazing they can be like a slight misfire of my mind, but life is about learning. I will learn to remember better, and possibly dream even harder...if that's even possible.

Seperation Project

These images were all separated, and I piled them up in Photoshop.
Control + ALT = COPY!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Project 3 In Class Seashells


Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation or Levels!

To pin point differentiating color to select with Marching Ants use the regular Lasso Tool to draw AROUND the object loosely and wide. Then select the Magic Wand Tool after connecting the Lasso ends. Go into the light area (background color) outside of the image but inside the Lasso selection, press ALT. Should make Marching Ants group directly onto the edges of the main image (can change how Ants group by Tolerance on the top Toolbar).

To edit using Lasso
-Shift = adds pieces
-ALT = removes pieces 

To create a perfect shape around your image using the color variation differentiating from foreground and background, use Marquee Tool + Shift

To move Pixels in Marching Ants to another area, use the Move Tool 

Hand Tool + Spacebar = Zoom + ability to move, double click to Zoom out
Hand + ALT = Subtract View
Hand + CTRL = Zoom
CTRL + D = Deselect
To keep Marching Ants but resize something, use Spacebar in unison with Mouse

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Blog Assignment 1 [on]

Deborah Panesar

"Rose Pattern"
(*.*.*.under construction.*.*.*)

Louis Durrant

{~-~-~-under construction-~-~-~}

Strawberry Style

"Chafaletti", origami paper
Her pop art and memorable characters that she has turned into stationary icons and vinyl toys are just cute as hell. Enough said. Her Strawberry Style is the updated chibi-form of Strawberry Shortcake. Her patterns are even more sweet as eye candy. The origami paper can be used in a myriad of ways as well as for an add-on to her stationary. The patterns can relate to many cultures; I see old Russia, Japan, Spanish, and even American culture in the simple repetitions. To have multiple products that are generic to a world of cultures is memorable, stand-out-ish, and pretty neat.

Stuart Kinlough

"Digital Communication"
Stuart's art is pure Dada. The clipped magazine and edgy collage look coupled with a digitalized cleanliness creates a fresh twist on a hundred year old art movement. He keeps certain corners or sides fairly void of shapes or patterns, creating a calmness to the chaos of the layers on layers of geometric and main character shapes. It reminds me of the Japanese art that is an ode to the silent void and not always focusing on the expected.

Gemma Correll

"Live Now"
Her art is clean and pop-ish. She has a quarky sense of humour and a positive outlook that shines through her work. Her colors aren't too bright, just easy on the eyes. She creates characters that you might know in real life (a selfish cat, a snobby girl that needs to put on more pants, a strange little girl with her head stuck in a book). It's like the ordinary parts of life spun through an old-timey candy shoppe. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Second Day Loving It...Demolishing Poor Greta's Complexion

2 mini-projects Wed Jan. 10th 2018
My second project, a little more natural feeling (I turned the light on! I also made poor Greta's face a bit terrible...I'M JUST STARTING) I also "saved the class" in finding out how to save a jpg successfully. Hooray for Bee.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday Jan. 8th 2018, First Day In Photoshop

Look, I made this...I've got some ways to go =_= I'm pretty freakin excited either way.

It's a start!

Blog 10 Part 2- Lorelei

I took an image of friends/family member's kid Lorelei in a hat and duplicated her ~Filter Gallery> Sketch>Torn Edges>Smooth...